HelloAgile® eine Marke der HelloNew GmbH & Co. KG
Mosbacher Straße 9, 65187 Wiesbaden

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshop - Unleash creativity and Innovation in your team

From team workshops to shaping your company's vision with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method - within your team or the entire organization.

Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von sechs Personen, die gemeinsam an einem Tisch stehen und an einem Lego Serious Play Workshop teilnehmen. Sie konzentrieren sich auf das Bauen und Platzieren von Lego-Modellen auf einer grauen Bauplatte in der Mitte des Tisches. Die Teilnehmer diskutieren und arbeiten zusammen, während sie ihre Kreationen gestalten, was auf eine interaktive und kooperative Arbeitsumgebung hindeutet. Der Workshop findet in einem gut beleuchteten Raum statt, und die Atmosphäre scheint fokussiert und engagiert zu sein.

The Lego Serious
Play Workshop

Team Building and playful problem solving with Lego Serious Play

With LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, participants playfully develop solution concepts, new collaboration models, innovative business strategies and other answers to a wide variety of questions within a moderated process. The group size is limited to a maximum of 12 participants per team, which typically work with a "LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Identity and Landscape" material set.

During the workshop various questions are posed, which are coordinated in advance between the client and the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator. Each answer is built with LEGO®. We work with metaphors which are understandable even across language barriers.

In the first phase of the workshop, participants are building individual models.

In the second part, the individual results are then combined into a large group model.
In this phase, dependencies, influencing factors, and initial practical applications become clear. At the end, the results from each group are documented, presented, and concrete action items are derived.

The structure of a Lego Serious Play Workshop

Skill Building 1: Warmup
With a task of low complexity, such as building a bridge or a tower, workshop participants become familiar with handling, mechanics, and working with LEGO®.
Skill Building 2: Thinking in Metaphors
In the second task, the LEGO Serious Play facilitator explains the mechanics and how to build using metaphors. After the building phase, each participant presents their model and answers questions based on it.
Skill Building 3: Storytelling with Lego Serious Play
In the final warmup exercise, the focus is on speaking through LEGO® as a medium and telling the story of the models so that others can understand them.
Building Stage 1: Single Models
After the first two rounds, where participants familiarize themselves with the function and mechanics of LEGO Serious Play, the central question is now worked on and presented afterwards.
🍔 Lunch Break
Building Stage 2: Group Model
Now it's getting exciting: The participants are tasked with combining the individual models into a large group model. It's essential that every brick in the group model has a meaning.
Building Stage 3: Systemmodell
In this final phase of the LEGO Serious Play process, external influencing factors acting on the group model are first built and then placed. Afterwards, the individual elements are connected with linking elements based on their dependencies.
The teams now have time to document the results with a video. A smartphone is sufficient for this, as the focus is on the content rather than the quality of sound and image. The documentation can be presented at the end of the workshop day.
Action Items
In another working session, specific derivations are made in workshop format to transfer the possible solutions into business reality.
After a brief feedback round and a summary, we conclude the day with a small photoshoot of the team and the Lego models.

Depending on the goal, duration, and target group of the workshop, the LEGO Serious Play method can be adapted and customized. LEGO Serious Play is suitable for groups ranging from 1 to 100 participants and can address questions from various contexts.

Your Lego Serious Play Facilitators

Zwei gestapelte Exemplare des Buches 'PLAY: Der unverzichtbare LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Praxis-Guide für Trainer, Coaches & Moderatoren' von David Hillmer, CEO von HelloAgile. Das Cover ist farbenfroh gestaltet und zeigt eine Illustration mit Lego-Steinen und Figuren.
Nahaufnahme einer Hand, die eine LEGO-Figur auf eine teilweise gebaute LEGO-Szene setzt. Die Szene besteht aus verschiedenen LEGO-Bausteinen, darunter farbige Ziegel, Figuren und kleine Strukturen. Der Hintergrund ist unscharf, und die gesamte Komposition konzentriert sich auf die Details der LEGO-Kreation und die Interaktion der Hand mit den Bausteinen.

How Lego Serious Play works

Team building and playful
problem solving with LSP

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® combines the advantages of playful team collaboration with solving complex business challenges. The method is a process that looks more or less the same in every workshop and consists of three stages.

The first stage is the individual model, where each workshop participant builds their own model.

This is followed by the group model, where all individual models are combined into a large model, creating a unified picture.

In the third stage, external factors that influence the group model are built into a system model.

The method is highly scalable, which makes LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® an exciting format, even for large groups with over 100 participants.

Developed by LEGO® in 1996 for innovative strategy development, the method was made available to the public six years later along with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® product line. The LEGO® sets, specially assembled for the method, contain a wide range of various bricks designed for optimal use in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshops. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is now widespread and helps both startups and large companies like NASA solve problems. Even online, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® manages to bring teams closer together despite distance.

LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® mit HelloAgile

Einführung in LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® und Workshops ab vier Teilnehmern

Der LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®-Workshop von HelloAgile kann in unterschiedlichen Formen durchgeführt werden. Als Inhouse LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®-Workshop oder auch in der digitalen Variante Online. Wir empfehlen eine Workshopdauer von 1-2 Tagen, bieten allerdings auch kostenfreie Schnupperkurse oder Halbtages-Workshops als Programmpunkt von Tagungen und Konferenzen an. Im Rahmen der Auftragsklärung erfolgt im Vorfeld ein umfangreiches Briefing und eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®-Facilitator und Auftraggeber. Die intensive Abstimmung dient dazu, die Fragestellung und das Ziel des Workshops im Vorfeld bestmöglich zu planen und ein klares Bild vom Tagesablauf zu haben.

Ein Mensch hält ein Smartphone über eine bunte Lego-Szene und nimmt ein Video auf. Die Lego-Szene zeigt verschiedene Figuren und Strukturen, darunter Türme, Flaggen und Figuren, die Aktivitäten ausführen. Der Hintergrund besteht aus einem Holztisch.

Fields of application for Lego Serious Play

New strategies and great visions with Lego Serious Play

As previously described, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® helps answer complex questions in a business context. The questions are coordinated in advance and could be:

• How do I want to work in our company in three years?
• How can we become the most attractive employer in our industry?
• What contributions can I make to advance digitalization in the company??
• How does the department (IT / Sales / Marketing / HR) contribute to achieving the company's vision?
• Which external influencing factors affect our development?
• How can our company increase its revenue tenfold in the next three years?

But even without a specific problem, Lego Serious Play helps identify new ideas and business areas while also contributing to team building. Accordingly, it can be used during an annual general meeting, a barcamp, or a departmental conference—even for introductory half-day formats or shorter sessions. In this case, the questions would be adapted accordingly and could be:

• What does the future of education look like?
• What major innovations are yet to come?
• What does the workplace of the future look like?
• How can we align our business model with the megatrend of sustainability?

Try Lego Serious Play now.

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